Project SUN

Project SUN (Strong and Unified Network) is dedicated to strengthening Kankakee Countys behavioral health system of care so that children and their families flourish.
Coalition/Other Group
Kankakee County Only
English and Spanish
There are things that you can do to help yourself when you feel sad, mad, or worried, Gizmo the Pawesome Guide to Mental Health to help caregivers and children. Project Sun can bring a Gizmo Storytime to you.
Mental Health First Aid
Project SUN has a certified instructor in Mental Health First Aid , Youth Mental Health First Aid, and Teen Mental Health First Aid on staff and is able to offer workshops.
Caregiver and Kids Craft Club
The Caregiver and Kids Craft Club is similar, but parents and caregivers can have their child attend with them so that they can have that time of support and care together.
Caregiver Craft Club
The Caregiver Craft Club is open to parents and caregivers with a child in the mental, emotional, and behavioral health system of care as a method of peer support and self-care.
Cultural Competency
The Cultural Competency Work Group is comprised of representatives from a variety of community organizations that work to create educational opportunities to increase cultural competency and promote healing. The CCWG regularly offers a six-week racial equity educational program called My Piece in the Puzzle, the Until Justice Just Is movie and discussion series, Racial Healing Ambassador training, and an annual panel about Creating and Inclusive Community. Other projects and offerings occur as needed.
Navigation Assistance
Project SUN assists families in navigating the mental health system of care. This includes an intake session with the client and to assess their needs. Navigation Assistance can include referrals to mental health providers, help in understanding what the clients health insurance covers, support during IEP/504 meetings, and other assistance as needed. This service is available in both English and Spanish.
Parent Advisory Council and Consejo Asesor de Padres
Our Parent Advisory Council (for English-speaking parents and caregivers) and our Consejo Asesor de Padres (for Spanish-only-speaking parents and caregivers) meet on a regular basis to plan events to help parents and caregivers understand and navigate the mental health system of care as well as events that provide support.
Project SUN brings Theraplay Sunshine Circles training from The Theraplay Institute to the community on an annual basis. This training is typically attended by teachers and day care providers.
Last Updated: 02/03/2025 at 10:18 AM
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