Kankakee County Health Department

The Kankakee County Health Department's mission is to promote, protect, and monitor the health of all people in the communities they serve. Their vision is to see healthy people and thriving communities, achieved through innovative practices.
Kankakee County Only
English and Spanish
John Bevis, Director
Body Art/ Tanning Licensing
KCHD, along with the Illinois Department of Public Health, sets standards to license and inspect body art and tanning facilities throughout Kankakee County.
Breastfeeding Support
KCHD maternal child health staff provides individual telephone counseling and office visits for women enrolled in KCHD WIC/ Family Case Management.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
KCHD provides testing for lead poisoning in children 6 months to 6 years of age, and at-risk pregnant women. Case management services are provided for any children with elevated lead levels.
Emergency Preparedness
The Kankakee County Health Department plays an important role in emergency preparedness for Kankakee County. KCHD coordinates trainings and drills within the organization and with partners throughout the county and state to be prepared for man-made and natural disasters.
Environmental Health In-Service Program
Upon request, KCHD staff are available to provide presentations on a variety of topics.
Family Case Management
Provides case management services to pregnant women, infants and children. Case management assists pregnant women and young children with obtaining access to prenatal and child care, immunization and screenings. Must be Medicaid eligible.
Food Sanitation
Inspects and licenses retail food stores and food establishments. Conducts foodborne illness and food service complaint investigations to assure good food handling practices and education for temporary food events, new employees and restaurant staff.
Genetics Screening
Pregnant women, infants and children enrolled in Family Case Management will be screened for the risk of genetic disorder and referred for genetic counseling as appropriate.
Health Promotion and Education
KCHD provides community outreach and education on health topics including child safety seat education and installation, adolescent and women's wellness, tobacco cessation and prevention, and illness prevention for schools and community organizations. The department provides health related statistics and community events upon request.
Healthworks of Illinois is a collaborative effort between the Department of Children & Family Services and Health and Family Services (Public Aid) and Public Health. The program provides medical case management to DCFS wards up to age six and interim case management for DCFS wards age six and older.
Immunization Program
KCHD provides required and recommended immunizations for all ages, birth to older adults, by appointment. A current immunization record is required for school-aged children. Rabies vaccine is available as indicated for pre/post-exposure. Medicaid and most private insurances are accepted; an income based sliding fee scale is available for those without insurance or under-insured.
Infectious Diseases
Investigation and disease surveillance of reportable communicable disease, including TB and food borne illness. Provides education and prevention services.
Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE)
KCHD completes Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE) applications for pregnant women. MPE offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient health services to pregnant women who meet income requirements. KCHD refers pregnant women to apply for full Medicaid health insurance coverage. Both MPE and Medicaid are administered by the State of Illinois and administered by the Department of Health & Family Services.
Naloxone Training
Free training sessions for first responders, community organizations, business owners, and individuals in the administration of Naloxone nasal spray, a reversal drug used to save lives in opioid overdoses.
Nuisance and Solid Waste Programs
KCHD investigates a variety of complaints including food, solid waste, and health nuisances occurring within rural Kankakee County. For all nuisances occurring within municipality limits, please contact your local city or village.
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy testing is available by appointment or walk-in. There is a nominal fee or medical insurance is accepted. Women with positive tests receive referrals to prenatal care.
Sanitary Survey
KCHD offers the service of performing well and septic evaluations at existing properties. These services are most often requested when a property transaction (either a sale or a refinancing) is taking place, and in many cases is required by a lender and/or buyer.
Septic Program
KCHD issues septic system permits, conducts inspections to ensure proper installation, evaluates existing systems, conducts dye tests to determine possible failures, evaluates findings, and makes recommendations.
STD/HIV Counseling & Testing
Provides testing for sexually transmitted diseases including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and HIV. Appropriate treatment and referrals available. Anonymous testing is available by appointment. Walk-in STD Clinic: Confidential testing for sexually transmitted diseases takes place Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8:30-11:30am and 1:30-3:30pm on a first come, first served basis. The fee is $40.00, which covers testing, doctor's visit (when available), and treatment
Tuberculosis Control
Provides mantoux skin-testing and TB screening questionnaire (for young school-aged children) with appropriate follow up to determine diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. TB skin-testing is available by appointment.
Vision and Hearing Screening
The Health Department provides vision and hearing screenings for children in the care of DCFS.
West Nile Virus Program
KCHD conducts surveillance operations from early spring to late fall to monitor West Nile virus activity throughout Kankakee County.
Provides nutrition education, health screening and nutritious foods to eligible pregnant women, postpartum and breastfeeding women, their infants, and children to age 5 who have special nutrition and health needs. Provides health and diet assessment. Individual diet/nutrition counseling. Group nutrition education. Health and social service referrals. Coupons for specific nutritious foods.
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Last Updated: 03/25/2025 at 03:20 PM
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