Head Start

Head Start
A federally funded program designed for preschoolers residing in Kankakee County who meet eligibility requirements. Provides a regulatory structure for the monitoring and enforcement of quality standards. Locations: Kankakee School District, Bourbonnais School District, Herscher School District, and Manteno School District.
Kankakee County Only


Head Start

A comprehensive child development program that serves 3-5 year old children primarily from low-income families in Kankakee County. The comprehensiveness is evident through the full range of services that include a structured curriculum with a primary emphasis on social skills, early literacy and kindergarten readiness, medical referrals/services, dental referrals/services, nutrition referrals, and full partnerships with parents. Program options include half-day and full day and classrooms are currently available in Kankakee at Proegler School, YWCA, KCC, in Bourbonnais at Alan Shepard, in Manteno at Manteno Elementary School, and in Herscher at Herscher Intermediate School. Families are eligible through verification of income, verification of residency and the child's date of birth. Children with diagnosed disabilities are admitted without income restrictions. Classrooms are staffed with highly qualified teachers and assistants and children are regularly assessed throughout the school year to determine their progress in meeting the program goals.
Last Updated: 11/04/2020 at 01:27 PM