AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois - Area Agency on Aging

Guides older adults and their caregivers through the aging process through the coordination of a range of life-changing resources such as Meals, Legal Assistance, and Caregiver Support. AgeGuide's services optimize quality of life and offer peace of mind and advocate for older adults, weighing in on policy-making at all levels.
Northeastern Illinois
Marla Fronczak, Executive Director
Aging Resources
Services provided or coordinated through AgeGuide include: Information & Assistance, Benefits Access Services, Home Delivered Meals, Community Dining, Caregiver Support, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Adult Protective Services, Legal Assistance, Ombudsman, Senior Health Insurance Program, Medicare Assistance, Fraud Assistance, Telephone Reassurance, Education and Recreation programs, and programs to support persons with Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias. Transportation- Partnership with SHOWBUS. Call, email, or visit the website listed above for service referrals. ((Area served: DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties.))
Last Updated: 01/30/2024 at 08:59 AM
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