IDHS Kankakee Family Resource Center

IDHS Kankakee Family Resource Center
Determines eligibility/provides assistance for food stamps, Medicaid, temporary assistance to needy families, and assistance to the aged, blind, and disabled for residents of Kankakee and Iroquois counties.
Kankakee & Iroquois Counties
English and Spanish


Application for Services (Food Stamps, Medicaid, TANF)

The IDHS office offers applications for food stamps, Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), and determines the applicants' eligibility. Assistance is provided to the aged, blind, and disabled.

Call4Calm - Emotional Support Text Line

Call 4 Calm is a free emotional support text line, created as a COVID-19 resource, where you can speak with a mental health professional. Text TALK to 552020 or HABLAR for service in Spanish to the same number 552020.

Child Care

The Illinois Department of Human Services works hand-in-hand with local communities throughout Illinois to provide low-income, working families with access to quality, affordable child care. DHS contracts with over 100 child care providers to give quality care for your child(ren) in a safe and healthy environment. Child Services include: Child Care Assistance Program, Migrant Head Start, Healthy Child Care Illinois, and more.

Home-Based Service (HBS) Program

The Home-Based Service (HBS) program is one option available to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that have been approved to receive DD Medicaid waiver services. The HBS program provides individuals with a monthly allotment they can use to purchase needed services and supports that allow a person to continue to live in the family residence or live in their own home in the community. Transportation services may be purchased from the monthly allotment for the individual to gain access to waiver and community services, activities and resources as specified by the Personal Plan. (This service does NOT include transportation to and from medical appointments. It is limited to adults with an intellectual and developmental disability that have been approved for the Home Based Services program.)

Illinois Child Support Enforcement

The department offers services to dependent children living in Illinois and out of state. To apply for child support services, a person does not have to apply for or receive public assistance. If the dependent children live with one parent and the other parent does not live at home and does not provide financial support, the division will:- Search for the non-custodial parent.- Establish paternity - Obtain a child support order or enforce an existing order when the non-custodial parent has been located. - Enforce the child support order by serving an income withholding notice for child support on the non-custodial parent's employer. - Secure medical insurance for the children.

PUNS (Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services)

PUNS (Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services) is a statewide database used to select individuals for services as funding becomes available. Children, teens, and adults with developmental disabilities who need services or supports can Enroll in PUNS. PUNS selections are based upon funding availability. Enrolling in PUNS does not confirm that you are eligible for services nor guarantee that services will be provided. It does ensure that the IDHS Division of Developmental Disabilities knows about an individual's need for services. Learn more by visiting: To speak with an IDHS rep about the PUNS enrollment process, call the toll-free number: 1-800-843-6154

TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides temporary financial assistance for pregnant women and families with one or more dependent children. TANF provides financial assistance to help pay for food, shelter, utilities, and expenses other than medical. To qualify for TANF, a person must: Be pregnant or have a child under age 19 who lives with them. A child who is 18 must be a full-time high school student. A pregnant woman (and her husband, if he lives with her) may qualify for help, even if they don't have any other children. Live in Illinois. You can be homeless and still qualify. Be a U.S. citizen or meet certain immigration requirements. Develop a plan for becoming self-sufficient and follow it. A person who gets TANF may also get medical assistance and SNAP benefits. Request a TANF application at Kankakee Family Resource Center address listed above.

Teen Parenting

The Teen Parent Services Program is a maternal and child health program. If you are a teen parent under the age of 20, TPS can help you: Get education and training; Delay subsequent pregnancy; Work through the TANF application process; Connect you with community resources and services; Get preventative health care for yourself and your child(ren). If you participate in TPS, you are expected to stay in school and get your high school diploma or GED. You can also learn how to find a job and take classes to learn new skills. TPS will pay for your transportation to school and show you how to get help with child care. To learn more, visit:


08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Last Updated: 01/27/2025 at 09:48 AM